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Second PRE

Nutrition Before the Workout or Event

Eggs and Sauteed Sweet Potatoes


2-3 eggs scrambled

1 diced sweet potato

Diced Onion 1⁄4 cup

1 TBS garlic

1 cup kale

1 sliced avocado


1. Saute potato and onion a pan until potato is slightly crunchy

2. Add in eggs and scramble

3. Place kale on your plate, put potato and egg scramble on top and add half a sliced avocado

Should make two servings





Crockpot Oats 

1 Cup of steel cut oats
3 cups of water
Toppings i.e. maple syrup, dried fruit, berries


Place oatmeal and water in a crockpot and set on keep warm. Leave it in the crockpot overnight and in the morning your oats will be fully cooked and ready to eat.

© 2019 CINCH Coaching, INC

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